Random Variables
A random variable assigns a unique numerical value to the outcome of a random experiment. Values for random variables can be determined theoretically or observationally. Random variables and their associated probabilities play an important role in statistical inference.
Discrete (things we count)
- values take on one of a finite set of values
- can take on many values, in which case it’s easier to treat them as continuous (like IQ, SAT score, salary)
- sometimes we know a variable is discrete, but can’t know the complete set of its values
Continuous (things we measure)
- values take on one of an infinite set of values in an interval
- can be “rounded” – like time spent watching TV per week to nearest hour or weight to nearest pound – but still continuous, though appearing to be discrete
Discrete Random Variables
Probability Distributions
Probability distributions consist of
- all possible values of a discrete random variable, and
- the probability of each of the values.
Probability distributions can be expressed in three ways:
We can have a random variable \(X\) with a probability distribution of
\(X\) | \(x_1\) | \(x_2\) | … | \(x_n\) |
\(P(X = x)\) | \(p_1\) | \(p_2\) | … | \(p_n\) |
Probability distributions can be expressed as a function \(f\) where
- \(0 \leq f(x) \leq 1\), and
- \(\sum f(x) = 1\) for all values of random variable \(X\)
For example (Python):
f = lambda x:(x + 2) * (5 - x) / 50.0
[f(x) for x in range(5)] # [0.2, 0.24, 0.24, 0.2, 0.12]
Probability functions can be expressed as a histogram with bars for \(x\) whose corresponding height is \(P(x)\); thus the total area of the rectangles would equal 1.
We can calculate the mean of a discrete random variable \(X\) by multiplying the value of each observation by the probability of that observation: \begin{equation} \mu_X = \sum_{i = 1}^n x_ip_i \end{equation}
The mean tells us the “long-run” average value of the random variable; it’s sometimes known as the “expected value” but this is a potentially-misleading term because the variable \(x\) doesn’t necessarily ever equal \(\mu_x\).
Note: as always, it is important to distinguish between
- the (observational) mean of a concrete sample of observed values for a variable versus
- the (theoretical) mean of an abstract population of all values taken by a random variable in the long run.
Variance and Standard Deviation
Let’s say we have a random variable \(X\) with a probability distribution shown in the table above.
The standard deviation of a random variable describes how far from the mean \(\mu_X\), on average, is each actual value in a probability distribution.
- The smaller the standard deviation, the less likely the random variable is to be valued further from the mean.
- The higher the standard deviation the larger the probability distributions’ spread.
- Values within 2 standard deviations of the mean are considered ordinary (not unusual).
- Useful as a measure of risk – high variability implies high risk.
To calculate the standard distribution we first need to calculate the variance of \(X\) (“sigma sub X squared”): \begin{equation} \sigma_X^2 = \sum_{i = 1}^n (x_i - \mu_X)^2p_i \tag{Variance} \end{equation}
We can then find the standard deviation (“sigma sub x”) of random variable \(X\): \begin{equation} \sigma_X = \sqrt{\sigma_X^2} \tag{Standard Deviation} \end{equation}
Linear Transformation of One Random Variable
Let’s say we have a random variable with a mean \(\mu_X\) and a variance of \(\sigma^2_X\). A new random variable \(a + bX\) has: \begin{equation} \mu_{a + bX} = a + b\mu_X \tag{Mean} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \sigma^2_{a + bX} = b^2\sigma^2_X \tag{Variance} \end{equation}
The variance and standard deviation are not impacted by shifting a probability distribution over, while the mean is.
An Example of a Linear Transformation
A bridge toll is $3 per car + $0.50 for each person in the car. The number of people in a car is given by a random variable \(X\) with a mean value 2.7 and a variance of 1.2 people. To calculate the standard deviation of the toll collected: \(\sigma_{Toll} = \sqrt{(\$0.50)^2 \cdot 1.2} = \$0.55\).
Sum of Two Random Variables
If we have two random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) that measure the same quantity (e.g. number of people entering a building through two entrances per hour), we can combine them into a new variable \(X + Y\) that will have \begin{equation} \mu_{X + Y} = \mu_X + \mu_Y \tag{Sum of Means} \end{equation} and if the variables \(X\) and \(Y\) are independent (definition of independence of random variables is not expressed formally here), we have \begin{equation} \sigma^2_{X + Y} = \sigma^2_X + \sigma^2_Y \tag{Sum of Variances} \end{equation}
Additional thoughts:
- I’m starting to see that probably integrals will be useful w/r/t probability distributions for continuous random variables (area under the curve == 1)
- Estimating functions for probability distributions will probably be important – i.e. “what is \(f(x)\) given this probability distribution?”